Hôtel Littéraire Gustave Flaubert
Your 4-star Hotel in Rouen
Welcome in Normandie!
The 4 star hotel, ideally located in the historic center of Rouen, close to the place du Vieux- Marché, the literary hotel, Gustave Flaubert, pays tribute to the writer in the city where he was born and where he spent the major part of his life.
Modernity and comfort, punctuated by a few literary notes, provide the guests the time to dream or read.
Just 10 minutes from the cathedral Notre Dame of Rouen, the Hotel Gustave Flaubert shares with us his passion for the author of Madame Bovary and Salammbô.
An invitation to a journey to (re)discover Flaubert
La décoration de l’Hôtel Littéraire de Rouen a été conçue par l’architecte Aude Bruguière, assistée d’Aleth Prime, pour rendre hommage à Flaubert et nous faire entrer dans son univers.
The floors of the hotel are organised around the theme of travel which he so enjoyed. We walk through the ground floor dedicated to Normandy, with Madame Bovary, Un coeur simple and Bouvard et Pécuchet. Then Paris, the setting of L’Éducation sentimentale, followed by the antique Carthage of Salammbô. One floor details the other works written by Flaubert such as La Tentation de saint Antoine, another evokes Flaubert’s society and friends, the last traces the writer’s journeys. Each floor offers a quotation that can encourage reading one of the great masters of the French novel.
The rooms are personalised around a work, a character, or an intimate friend of Flaubert’s: Emma Bovary, Frédéric Moreau, Mégara, Guy de Maupassant, etc. An original watercolour by Jean Aubertin revisits the chosen theme, and a text of Helène Montjean gives the visitor desiring to know more, details and quotations from the writer.
The hotel has 51 modern and comfortable rooms, a closed and secure car park, an outdoor terrace and a fitness room.
Our hotel is proud to have the Label Clef Verte!
As a cultural actor of the city of Rouen and partner, the Hôtel Littéraire Gustave Flaubert supports the Rouen2028.